2017 Edgbarrow School Careers Convention

18:30 – 20:30 02-03-2017
Edgbarrow 6th Form Centre, Crowthorne


to the

2017 Edgbarrow School Careers Convention



We are currently in the process of organising our annual careers convention and would be delighted to be able to welcome your organisation on


Thursday 2rd March 2017

6.30 – 8.30

Edgbarrow 6th Form Centre, Crowthorne


The purpose of the evening is to provide information to pupils from year 9 to 13 as they consider GCSE, A level, degree course choices and ultimately long term career directions. In an informal atmosphere, pupils can discuss career opportunities with the help of representatives from a cross section of key organisations, professional institutions, educational establishments, industry and trade. Typical questions relate to job content, entry routes and qualifications. Pupils find literature and handouts very useful.

Refreshments (including a light buffet) will be provided for participating organisations from 5.30pm onwards. We will send you more detailed information a few weeks prior to the event.

We hope you will be able to support the 2017 Edgbarrow Careers Convention and would be grateful if you could advise us either way of your attendance at your earliest convenience.

We have uploaded a form into the TidyHQ "Storage" for you to complete and return if you are able to attend, or alternatively just include the required information within the body of your return email. If you can't find the form, get in contact with Karen or Nicky, email address below.




Yours sincerely,



Nicky Simmonds                                          Karen Sig

Nicky Simmonds                                          Karen Robinson

Careers Convention Organiser                 Careers & Work Related Learning Administrator

Edgbarrow PTA                                            Edgbarrow School

Nickysimm@btconnect.com                              Karen.robinson@edgbarrowschool.co.uk